Maureen - Private Collection

Maureen - Private Collection

Maureen relaxing in a chair, giving us all a teasing glimpse of her stocking tops. With her knowing eyes, she seems to be saying, "Come and get it if you dare."

Moira Graham

Leaving Time

It happens to all of us eventually.

The day comes when the best years of our lives are over, and we leave the scholastic establishment we love so much.

It happened to MOIRA GRAHAM of Bradford in Yorkshire. One day she was still an eager student, the next day she was working in the offices of a building society as an accounts clerk.

Mind you, the other clerks - male - were pleased to have her. Blonde and green-eyed, Moira was the very nicest thing that had happened in the offices for years, and it probably won't be long before they start putting flowers on her desk and inviting her out to a rugby match on Saturdays. But keep her off the pitch, chaps, she's a stunner at Karate.

Span No 245 - January 1975


If Only We Knew

If only we knew where STEVIE, up-and-coming Yorkshire model, was going to spend her holiday this year it might solve the problem of where to go ourselves. We can't think of anyone we'd rather look at in a bikini than Stevie.

Span No 141 - May 1966

Tania Webb


If your sister or your wife would like to know how TANIA WEBB came by her figure of 37"-23"-36"-well, as a matter of fact, it just happened, it sort of grew up with her. "Of course, I eat wholemeal bread and steaks," said Tania, "and that might help." Oh gad, these girls.

Spick No 193 - December 1969

Cardington Girl - Private Collection

Cardington Girl

Cardington Girl – That’s all I have. Cardington is a small village not far from Bedford. A pretty girl posing on a stool while giving us a glimpse of her stocking tops. I really like these pictures as you have to look at them twice to notice that her skirt is just slightly raised.

Maureen - Private Collection


More from Maureen relaxing on the sofa, giving us all something to think about as she exposes her black-stockinged legs. Very nice indeed.

Maureen - Private Collection


More from Maureen and the private collection. Maureen looking rather gorgeous as she poses for us on the floor, teasing us with her stocking tops and glimpses of her knickers.