Nicola Sieff

You Win

The fact is, if your name is NICOLA SIEFF and you look spectacularly curvy you can't lose. In other words, you've no chance of being a wallflower, and if your aim in life is to be proposed to you've no problem. Since Nicola hit London town last year a score of the nicest chaps have wanted to marry her, but Nicola says it's not for her until she's 25.

Span No 134 - October 1965

Antonie Merly and Renate Kleeman


It's not always easy to concentrate when getting out of a car. You have your mind on your shopping, but not your legs, and before you can say “Bother it,” you've got a run in your nylons. Still, if you look as pretty as ANTONIE MERLY when you're fixing the run it's quite a consolation. And if you look as fetching as RENATE KLEEMAN when you're perched on the bonnet you can go to anyone's head. Antonie and Renate are both from West Germany.

Span No 134 - October 1965

Nicola Taylor


When you're out and about you can often run into a shopping basket or pram, or even a brick wall if you're walking with your head down. We knew a feller who always kept his eyes to the ground in the hope of spotting a spare fiver. He finished up with his head jammed in a letter box. It's all eyes to the front whenever you meet a vision like NICOLA TAYLOR, and if you run into a brick wall it can only be because you've naturally gone all dizzy.

Span No 176 - April 1969

Dawn Grayson and Penny Winters

Plain and Fancy - Modern Life 1968

Footless and fancy free used to be a popular expression, but with the coming of the new mod fashions, fancy is no longer free it is in strong competition with the plain sheer stocking. On these and on the following pages, MODern Life presents, from London, England. Dawn Grayson and Penny Winters in the battle of the Stockings. Dawn, wearing the plain, sheer stockings, is one of London's top models. Penny, in plaid stockings, is one of England's leading strippers.

The battle is on. Here Penny and Dawn face each other. Dawn leads with long, leggy advance with no holds barred. Penny on the other hand, counters with a foot-on-bench and peeka-boo lead.

Not to be out manoeuvred, Dawn returns with a full body attack with arms high, chest out, stomach in and knees bent. Here Dawn excels in classic body style. On the other hand, Penny relaxes and awaits the opportunity to counter. She extends her long lead and covers up with her fancy gams close to her chest. Then, to confuse her opponent, she drops into a chair, but she keeps her fancy stockings out in front of her. The straight attack may be best, she observes, as she stands fully erect in the centre of the arena. But no matter how you look at it. the battle of the stockings appears to be a draw.

Realizing that the battle may end in a draw, both girls open up. Penny opens up with a straight right to the patterned stocking. Then raising her skirt high she exposes the full extent of her ability. Dawn, taking advantage of her opponent's strategy, crosses her right over to the top of her left plain, sheer stocking.

As the contest draws to a close, both contestants expose their finer points. Dawn with a right to her head and a left to permit her plain, sheer stocking to score. Penny turns to her left and scores with a right to her patterned stocking. The winner? There are none.

Modern Life V1 No 2 - Winter 1968

Denise Baker

Dishy Denise

Girl with dreamy brown eyes is DENISE BAKER, a very dishy addition to the London scene, and if you've got a girlfriend just like her, aren't you lucky? You don't have to spend rainy days sticking stamps in your album, you can call her up and have some scintillating crosstalk. How are you on telephonic crosstalk?

Beautiful Britons No 166 - September 1969

Hazel Shaw

Bubbly Blonde

If you know any blonde who's livelier than HAZEL SHAW, you know a blonde who's so bubbly she's liable to go off pop. Hazel simply bounces through each day in her work as a photographic model, leaving some photographers breathless from the effect of trying to contain a leaping rainbow. It's also like trying to lasso a leprechaun, but it's lots of fun, and it's better than photographing still life.

Span No 127 - March 1965

Sharon Staples


Girl going places is SHARON STAPLES. blonde dancer with the right line in curves. Sharon's a Cheshire girl, but she's not often home these days. Her dancing feet are usually carrying her off to places like Monte Carlo and Rome, for she is a very mobile trouper.

That faraway look in her eyes is nothing to do with those faraway places, however. Except in respect of any connection with Italian served spaghetti. That's right, she's hungry.

Well, you can't be a growing girl and not want to eat. It's eating the way Sharon does that makes her look the way she is.

Not that Sharon's accent is on food. It's all on that sensational figure of 39"-24"-39". The look in her eye now? "Ah, here come the tea and biscuits."

Spick Extra No 12 - Winter 1960

Angie Holt

Swinging Angie

Coming alive every evening in the bright lights of West Berlin is ANGIE HOLT, a fair-haired, blueeyed go-go-go girl.

Angie's world is the pop world, highlighted by her passionate adoration of the Beatles and her devotion to all groups which have brought to the beat clubs and the discotheques the music and the sounds which delight the ears and hearts of the young.

During any sunny week-end Angie likes to get into the open air, reserving her swinging reaction to music to the evenings, but it must be pretty obvious she makes as good a picture in the open air as she does when living it up in discotheque.

There's a military look about her cap and dress, and any regiment of signallers which would like to sign her on and teach her semaphore had better apply while they're still under the influence of optimism.

Span No 161 - February 1968

Dawn De Vere


Some men make do with a sandwich and a fishing line and undisturbed solitude by the river.

Some men aren't happy unless the environment is full of beautiful girls, and they get almost ecstatic if any of them are as bewitching as Secretary DAWN DE VERE.

Ah, well it takes all kinds to make the world what it is.

Spick No 168 - November 1967

Nicola Taylor


There are times when we like to be in the garden. And if we had a garden next to the garden of NICOLA TAYLOR we'd be absolute fanatics about flowers and vegetables.

Nicola has two hobbies. One is listening to pop records; the other is gardening. She looks dreamy when she's listening to the records and if we had to get lost on a desert island with a record-player we’d choose Nicola to play it for us.

But in the garden, when she's digging up weeds, Nicola looks the epitome of outdoor charm. Not everyone looks like that in a herbaceous border, especially the man next door to us. He looks like a digger of canals and you can’t even talk to him without getting an unwanted clod of earth in your eye.

We'll have to move.

Beautiful Britons No 143 - October 1967

Judy Rodger


GIRL who's always sure of a warm welcome from us and our readers is JUDY RODGER. Judy's the model with all the know-how on looking good, and there's no know-how we'd rather have than that, unless it's the know-how on the presence of oil in virgin ground going for a nickel an acre.

Number one asset shapely legs.

Judy's to be found at nearly all the major exhibitions, demonstrating anything from a potato-peeler to the very latest in streamlined cars.

Nice enough, but what chance does a potato-peeler stand against a demonstrator as cute as Judy?

Span Extra No 10 - Summer 1960

Nicky Bradley

Queen Of The Med

Nineteen years old NICKY BRADLEY has not only been elected Miss Brighton for two successive years.

She has also created quite a furore on Spain's Costa Brava, where she won the title "Queen of The Mediterranean Festival." What does that mean? It means that in that part of the Mediterranean they consider Nicky, superlative fit for a bikini.

Spick No 168 - November 1967

Janet Ross

Front Line Frills

It's frills to the fore with JANET ROSS, London showgirl seen in the front line of high-stepping chorines. If you can believe it Janet spent her earlier years training to be a nurse but gave it up when she found exams keeping her awake at night!

Janet has a flat in South London where she cosily tucks herself up to sleep long and late it's the late hours of show biz which keep her awake at nights now.

Janet is 5' 9" with big eyes and long legs. Amid those frills we think she looks even more delightful as a model than she does as a showgirl.

Spick No 110 - January 1963