Angie Holt

Swinging Angie

Coming alive every evening in the bright lights of West Berlin is ANGIE HOLT, a fair-haired, blueeyed go-go-go girl.

Angie's world is the pop world, highlighted by her passionate adoration of the Beatles and her devotion to all groups which have brought to the beat clubs and the discotheques the music and the sounds which delight the ears and hearts of the young.

During any sunny week-end Angie likes to get into the open air, reserving her swinging reaction to music to the evenings, but it must be pretty obvious she makes as good a picture in the open air as she does when living it up in discotheque.

There's a military look about her cap and dress, and any regiment of signallers which would like to sign her on and teach her semaphore had better apply while they're still under the influence of optimism.

Span No 161 - February 1968

Dawn De Vere


Some men make do with a sandwich and a fishing line and undisturbed solitude by the river.

Some men aren't happy unless the environment is full of beautiful girls, and they get almost ecstatic if any of them are as bewitching as Secretary DAWN DE VERE.

Ah, well it takes all kinds to make the world what it is.

Spick No 168 - November 1967

Nicola Taylor


There are times when we like to be in the garden. And if we had a garden next to the garden of NICOLA TAYLOR we'd be absolute fanatics about flowers and vegetables.

Nicola has two hobbies. One is listening to pop records; the other is gardening. She looks dreamy when she's listening to the records and if we had to get lost on a desert island with a record-player we’d choose Nicola to play it for us.

But in the garden, when she's digging up weeds, Nicola looks the epitome of outdoor charm. Not everyone looks like that in a herbaceous border, especially the man next door to us. He looks like a digger of canals and you can’t even talk to him without getting an unwanted clod of earth in your eye.

We'll have to move.

Beautiful Britons No 143 - October 1967

Judy Rodger


GIRL who's always sure of a warm welcome from us and our readers is JUDY RODGER. Judy's the model with all the know-how on looking good, and there's no know-how we'd rather have than that, unless it's the know-how on the presence of oil in virgin ground going for a nickel an acre.

Number one asset shapely legs.

Judy's to be found at nearly all the major exhibitions, demonstrating anything from a potato-peeler to the very latest in streamlined cars.

Nice enough, but what chance does a potato-peeler stand against a demonstrator as cute as Judy?

Span Extra No 10 - Summer 1960

Nicky Bradley

Queen Of The Med

Nineteen years old NICKY BRADLEY has not only been elected Miss Brighton for two successive years.

She has also created quite a furore on Spain's Costa Brava, where she won the title "Queen of The Mediterranean Festival." What does that mean? It means that in that part of the Mediterranean they consider Nicky, superlative fit for a bikini.

Spick No 168 - November 1967

Janet Ross

Front Line Frills

It's frills to the fore with JANET ROSS, London showgirl seen in the front line of high-stepping chorines. If you can believe it Janet spent her earlier years training to be a nurse but gave it up when she found exams keeping her awake at night!

Janet has a flat in South London where she cosily tucks herself up to sleep long and late it's the late hours of show biz which keep her awake at nights now.

Janet is 5' 9" with big eyes and long legs. Amid those frills we think she looks even more delightful as a model than she does as a showgirl.

Spick No 110 - January 1963

Susan Douglas

The Bees and the Bird

There was a lot of humming going on. The bees were out and after the honey. There was a nice svelte bird around. SUSAN DOUGLAS. So, there were the bees and the bird and the honey. Along came a bloke on a bike, he liked honey and loved birds.

"I'll come and join you," he said, "I need somewhere to prop my bike."

Well, he wasn't a morose type, he was someone to talk to and Susan likes a chat. So, they had a nice chat and the bees had a good hum and that's how to make the world go round instead of blowing it up.

Judy Coe

It's All Go

When your secretary to a dynamic boss of an expanding business, when you're also an active participant in a new boutique and there are all the other interests of life to cope with-like learning to drive a milk float or knitting scarves for pop groups there's no doubt life is all go.

It's certainly all go for Secretary JUDY COE. She whirls around like a very photogenic astronaut in orbit. She makes a lovely rocket and she's exquisite when she's got time to make a landing on the lounge carpet. Her ambitions are boundless and she's a natural glamour girl and if we knew two more like her we'd be in an absolute tizzy of delight. It's being so delightful on the eye that does it. What a wonderful way to get eyestrain.

Beautiful Britons No 137 - April 1967

Sally Anne

Dear Mr Editor

My Christian names are Sally Anne, I'm married to the nicest man, and thinking that you'd like to see I've sent these photographs of me. I hope you'll think I'm rather swish and not an oldeworldie miss, it’s just that when the cold comes on, I like to wear my undies long.

I love my warm directoires, yes. call them my D.K.'s, no less.

I think it's really cosy fun To wear D.K.'s all cute and long, In warmth and comfort they're a dream, So please don't say I look a scream.

In fact, you know, D.K.'s are now all the rage and such a wow, believe me truly, if you can. They don't look better on a man!

Spick No 110 - January 1963

Denise Fleming

Chic Chef

There goes the old kitchen pinger and out dashes the chic chef to see if what's cooking is cooking good.

DENISE FLEMING, Glasgow housewife, is noted for the fact that she's elegantly photogenic amid her pots and pans. Some housewives sort of let themselves go all anyhow in the kitchen, but not Denise. She remains a very chic chef and her legs aren't exactly unnoticeable, either. How would you like fluffy souffle that just melts in your mouth?

Or hot Viennese schnitzel? Marry a chic chef.

Spick No 189 - August 1969

Sylvia Ternes

A Nut For Nikki

Captivating young thing in a park in West Berlin is Nikki the squirrel-and so, for that matter, is Nikki's favourite stroller, SYLVIA TERNES. Nikki being somewhat temperamental, he won't take any food unless you go down on your knees to him, and though this makes it somewhat awkward for a girl in a tight skirt, Sylvia humours the little devil - otherwise he follows her home, nipping at her ankles all the way.

Span No 127 - March 1965

Sandy Sarjean


Seen swinging and shuffling in the Playboy Club of West Berlin is playgirl SANDY SARJEAN.

This is one of the gayer nightspots of the city, where those who prefer the atmosphere of lush decor and scintillating swing to staying at home with a good book can have a wonderful evening after a long working day.

It's bright, fast-moving, and packed not with the paunchy moneyed clientele who used to have such high-class establishments to themselves, but with the young.

Sandy Sarjean, a busy, conscientious office girl, likes nothing better than a whirly, twisty evening out in this club. It sets her up to meet the chores of the following day with renewed strength.

It's like that with the young.

Span No 161 - February 1968

Jesse James

Survey On The Mini

Being absolutely fanatical about the mini we did a survey on it. We sent an intelligent, observant man with a clinical mind round North London to interview pretty mini-skirted girls.

With a heavy notebook under his arm, he called on 18-year-old JESSE JAMES. (No relation to the American bandit, just a coincidental clash of names.) "Do come in and meet my family," said Jesse, when she found out he was on a survey.

Well, after he'd met her family and been given tea, he said to Jesse, "Is it your opinion that the mini is here to stay?"

"It's staying with me," said Jesse, "I don't have anything else in my wardrobe except ski-pants."

“Oh, do you ski?” said our clinical-minded, intelligent surveyor, and Jesse said she'd love to, and they had a long conversation about mountain slopes and chalet parties and reindeers.

By the time they'd covered every slope in the Alps it was dark outside and time for him to go home and write up his analysis. It covered just one page of his heavy notebook and was all about how ravishing Miss Jesse James looked in midnight-blue ski pants.

Beautiful Britons No 155 - October 1968

Pat Booth

Travelling Oxonian

Born in Oxford twenty years ago PAT BOOTH is mad about going places. Some of us never get farther than the end of the High Street, from where the rest of the world looks strange and intimidating, and we settle down to becoming all gnarled and parochial and slightly idiotic.

Pat, however, has been all over the world, including the U.S.A. and has a remarkable insight into the way other people live. She's eaten almost every national dish you care to name and has been whistled at by mustachioed Romeos in every capital you've ever thought about.

What would you say if we told you her ambition was to trek across Mongolia on a pony? Watch out for a dish of Mongolian custard?

Span No 161 - February 1968

Maggie McCully


“Have you dropped her down a mineshaft?’’ A question, that, which is typical of many we’ve had thrown at us in connection with MAGGIE McCULLY. Although we’ve never said so, we now admit that we do indeed make a habit of dropping all Maggies down mineshafts. Girls like to go a long way in this modern world, particularly if they are beautiful, like Maggie McCully, and we’re sure the way from the top to a bottom of a mineshaft is very long indeed.

“No, seriously, you don’t mean all that jazz." Listen, Buster, there’s no jazz about it. Ask Maggie.

"All right. Did you get dropped down a mineshaft, Maggie?"

“But of course.”

“What on earth was it like?”

“Narrow. I was scraped all the way from top to bottom.”

Good old Maggie.