Jane Mercer

They Make Passes Now!

You remember that old gag—fellers never make passes at girls who wear glasses?

 They swept that one under the carpet years ago.

You can’t wonder at it when you look at JANE MERCER. Jane, in or out of horn-rimmed specs, is ravishingly eye catching.

Some feller who saw her passing by in a mini was so dazzled he didn’t even notice her glasses. “I was looking the other way,” he said. Then there was the nice chap who helped her off the bus and got into such a tizzy over her blonde allure that he forgot to get off himself and went all the way up the Strand when he really wanted Waterloo Road.

Jane is a secretary, as you’ve no doubt guessed. You can see from her glasses just how efficient she is. Aside from that she has lovely legs and a bewitching figure measuring 37"-23"-36".

Judy Coe

Sec’s Appeal

Croydon secretary’ with all the appeal every secretary should have is JUDY COE, swinging girl in a swinging scene.

That coal bucket is just a gag, of course. Judy doesn't think in terms of coal buckets and she thought this one was a converted Roman helmet and wanted to know which museum we'd nicked it from.

But she looks a dish in a sweater, don’t you think?

“It’s all wool,’’ she said, “and saves me having to light the fire. Do you remember where I put my hat?”

It was a good question but we had no idea how to answer it.

Nicola Taylor


We’ll take two lumps. NICOLA TAYLOR makes a lovely cup of hot char, and that's not all. She also has lovely legs and in her mini-dress makes just about the prettiest picture around the house you would wish for.

Of course, if you’re about eighty you probably still conjure up pictures of Mistinguette when you think about legs. You're very welcome, but we'll stand by Nicola.

Ruth Bennet

Welcome Home

After spending quite a while seeing as much as she could see in America, blonde RUTH BENNET made tracks for home, and home is Britain. We don’t know exactly how Ruth looked before she went to the States, but she certainly looks a gorgeous doll now she’s back.

For those who want to know how she’s shaped up to the American way of life, Ruth’s current statistics are 37-23-36.

Susan Douglas

Patricia Garland - Update

Pat Garland

I had a nice email from Susan Douglas’s eldest son this week, after his daughter found her grandmother’s profile page by accident. He has been kind enough to fill in a few gaps for me. Some details  I will cover here, but I have updated her page to reflect others.

Susan (Pat) sadly passed away 22nd February 2010 when she was 73, I am now also able to correct her date of birth to April 1938. I am told, though, that she would have been delighted that we always thought her younger than she really was! Susan Douglas was not her real name of course, She was really Patricia Garland, which I think we all knew anyway (but she did prefer to be called Pat). She decided on the name Susan Douglas so she was harder to trace - with Susan coming from a friend’s daughter and Douglas coming from the actor Kirk Douglas, whose films she was fond of.

Susan was one of the most photographed ToCo models. She was born and lived reasonably close to the Croydon office and was obviously well in with the staff, as she and her family used to holiday in Cornwall at the editors (Staples) house. It would appear that when she wasn’t modelling she helped in the offices and advised other models on their make up and clothes, Susans oldest son used to go along to the Croydon office in the school holidays when his mum was working. It would also appear that Staples ran a sweatshirt printing business and we can see Susan modelling one of his shirts in Spick No 180, possibly leaning against his Jaguar.

One other thing that always intrigued me about Susan was  that bangle that she frequently wore on her left arm above her elbow. The bangle was her Grandmother’s and was a lucky charm to her. Susan was always fond of jewellery and was always one for doing things her own way.

Luckily for us.

Christina Horn

Catchy Christina

Model of advancing international repute is CHRISTINA HORN of West Germany, and if we haven't yet seen her modelling in London it can't be a pleasure that will be delayed much longer now.

 Christina has a catchy look that goes just right with her jazzy stockings and we hope that when she does appear in London we'll have the additional pleasure of seeing her catchy look even catchier as she mounts a high bus from a low kerb.

Susan McKay


Stylist tress chic is SUSAN McKAY, not only in her clothes but in her job. Susan works as assistant to a prominent Glasgow hair stylist, and having her put a kink in your hair if you’re a customer must be a joy.

Customers being of the fair sex only, we’re left without a kink—apart from the one the psychiatrist told us about—and we rather wish Susan would stop lying around on walls and beaches and join our barber’s shop.

Very few barber’s shops have lady assistants, and those that do don’t have any quite like Susan, with her gorgeous brown eyes and her photogenic legs.

Pinky Sands

Gone Fishing

When good old Joe turned up to take PINKY SANDS for a ride on the back of his bike, Pinky was conspicuous by her absence. Good old Joe having been very precise about the time he’d arrive. Pinky had gone fishing. She preferred that to riding on the back of his bike and listening to him talking about his bicycle pump. Pinky got into a little difficulty with her line and hook but it was all a lot more fun than good old Joe.

Sylvia Ternes

Outdoor Style

Looking pretty in the Berlin park is SYLVIA TERNES, and if the season is a cold one and the outfit an anti-rain affair, the style of the whole thing is just right.

Lorraine Burge

Girls In Glasses

It’s a fallacy that fellers don’t make passes at girls in glasses—when girls in glasses are as attractive as LORRAINE BURGE. Lorraine works in an income tax department, where all the girls naturally have very taking ways. We’ll pay up with pleasure when our demand comes from Lorraine.

Susanne Ferrier

The Right Décor

Her day-to-day forte may be shorthand-typing, but seen at home there’s no doubt SUSANNE FERRIER does a great deal to make the decor look bright and right. It’s just that any home needs a pretty girl around to make the decor worthwhile—a lawn mower or a sewing machine don’t give the same effect at all.

Peggy Smith

Time Off from the Office

London secretary PEGGY SMITH uses the springtime and the adjacent countryside to breathe in lots of fresh air.

Peggy commutes daily to and from her office, and to keep going and still look attractive as well as efficient what's more re-invigorating than bags of fresh air free from the dust of London?

In week-end dress and filmy frills. Peggy is cutely complementary to the spring sunshine, and it all helps to take her back to the office on Monday morning with a smile. It also helps her to see off the week’s work without coughing her way through Thursday and Friday.

Peggy is 20. is pretty good as a secretary and pretty attractive as a girl, and if her expression above is indicative of a sudden realisation that she forgot to get her boss to sign his post last Friday evening, well, that can happen to anyone, can’t it?

Margaret Carmichael

Ice Skating Star

MARGARET CARMICHAEL is an ice-skating star but this was one time when she'd hung up her skates to spend a quiet week-end relaxing at home. Margaret is nineteen, is a petite young lovely at 5' 1” and measures 35-23-36.

On ice Margaret is a flashing figure of grace and speed, and she doesn't look so bad reading a book in front of the fireplace, either!

But if there's one thing that can get her off the carpet it's a phone call from a boyfriend who wants to know if she'll go skating with him at the local ice rink. What's more enjoyable than a busman's holiday on ice?

Janet Payne

The Well-Dressed Girl

Today it is not sufficient for the well-dressed girl merely to clothe herself expensively from head to toe. Today it is not even remotely inspiring to go into any shop and casually order six different outfits a la the latest look from Paris.

Today the well-dressed girl only considers herself well-dressed if she looks not like everyone else but like her friends. Eventually this is bound to produce the same result, with one girl’s friends looking like every other girl’s friends. But at the moment only the brave, bold and beautiful wear the kinky, kooky garments so beloved of the kinky, kooky designers.

One very nice girl we know JANET PAYNE is absolutely crazy about everything kooky, and adores high boots and colourful leg-gear and crazy chapeaux. Janet works in a Newcastle departmental store, and as she commutes to and fro on the buses is a delight to the eye of every conductor.

Cherry Lennox

Don’t Disturb Swotting

Garter-clad CHERRY LENNOX is letting nothing, not even summer holidays, divert her from her swotting, for Cherry dearly wants to graduate with honours from her university.