Nadia Zadek

Natural Charm

One girl we know with definite natural charm is Mayfair hairdresser NADIA ZADEK. There's something about this girl which makes us forget other girls.

When Nadia is around, a young man's fancy lightly turns to romance not only in the Spring. Trim, neat, well-dressed, Nadia models only very occasionally and concentrates mainly on her hairdressing career. She lives and works in Mayfair and knows every hair on the head of many debs.

Nadia likes sailing, swimming and good books. She also likes her boyfriend. Her boyfriend is a lucky guy and a good chooser.

Nadia Zadek

Hair Stylist

NADIA ZADEK, young London girl, works in a West-end hairdressing salon, and is one of the top assistants there. Nadia is also one of the tops with us, and these pictures should also make her tops with you.