June Gordon

We're Off

Before we were indescribably smitten by a fair maid from afar, we were thinking of settling down before our winter fireside in a state of soporific hibernation.

Then we saw JUNE GORDON. She was just going home to Scotland. So, we cancelled the order for winter fuel and gave up all idea of hibernating. A rush of vibrant corpuscles to the head had sent us all agog and it was like Spring in the park again.

In other words, we're off.

We're either off to Scotland or off our head.

June is a secretary and the girl we'd most like to be lost in the typing pool with. What grace, what charm, what fair elegance.

As the coalman said when a hundredweight sack fell on his head, "I've gone all fragile.' It's a feeling of being far, far away.

Beautiful Britons No 144 - November 1967

June Gordon

Kilted Pin-Up

You can wear a pencil-line suit and carry a handbag to match your shoes, and be a girl from almost any Western country. You can wear a pair of casuals and a tan sports shirt and be a man from London or Birmingham or Washington or anywhere.

But wear a kilt and you can only be from Scotland. And wear a kilt as JUNE GORDON wears it and you’re a lovely, leggy pin-up—if you’re June Gordon. June is a secretary, loves the open-air, thinks Scottish men virile and irresistible and is pretty irresistible herself.

She’s just our idea of the girl we’d most like to get lost in the heather with.