Jeanette Bonner

Domestic Glamour

Housewife from the Garden of Kent is JEANETTE BONNER and just about one of the nicest glamour girls we know.

These pretty pictures were taken by Jeanette's husband, Peter, an enthusiastic amateur photographer whose favourite pin-up model is, naturally, Jeanette herself.

You can take it from us that Jeanette is also a good cook. If you've got glamour in the lounge and efficiency in the kitchen you're sitting pretty.

We can't think of anything more conducive to marital bliss than a perfect apple pie served by perfectly pretty wife. You might perhaps consider you could go one better by having champagne in an iced bucket served by your missus in white leotard and black tights, but our money is on Jeanette and her apple pie.

We've featured domestic glamour on many occasions before because it has its own unique appeal, and because we're sold on apple pie ourselves and this particularly cute cook! - we hope to bring you more of Jeanette in and around her Kentish home. Pass the custard, Maud.

Beautiful Britons No 72 - October 1961

Jeanette Bonner

Country Wife

Talking of marriage in a rural environment, here's a wife who has always lived in the country. She's JEANETTE BONNER, and living in the country has given her a complexion as creamy as honey.

She lives in a cottage next door to a field, and high rise concrete blocks are just something she hears about but never sees. It’s all lovely, all quiet and peaceful, and is highly recommended to persons who suffer the traumatic vibrations of crowded city life.

Jeanette's favourite ways of getting about are on a bike or on a horse. And she doesn't need tranquilisers.