Look Who I Spotted

Things are not always as they seem.

Here are two pages extracted from Stocking Parade Volume 1 No 5 (1966) Letters to the Editor. Can you spot Brenda North, Penny Baxter, Rosanne Stuart, and possibly Elizabeth Gallacher in a very familiar garage and kitchen? They were all supposedly sent in as reader pictures.

Brenda North

Miss Mod

Scots’ girl who is right in the swing of it when it comes to being a cute Miss Mod is BRENDA NORTH. Brenda is mad about the Beatles and other groups, is as colourful as a Picasso painting and has long and lovely legs.

Span No 125 - January 1965

Bridget North (Brenda North)

Not For The Whiz Kids

It's true that while Long Johns were popular with a bygone generation, they're not for today's feminine whiz kids.

There are exceptions, of course.

Scots girl BRIDGET NORTH finds them absolutely it in the cold weather, all kind of snug and warm and cosy.

They go with the new fashions and providing you don't wear a midi or a maxi with a split skirt nobody will know you're wearing grandmother's reach-me-downs.

Brenda North & Jane Rennie

The Modern and the Married

For the traditional modern look, which is a kind of lovingly irreverent regard for sartorial non-conformity whatever that may mean we recommend BRENDA NORTH. She’s long-legged, black-sweatered, rain-coated and really as sweet as you can wish.

For the happily-married look, which is a kind of I’m-tickled-to-death-I-did-it look, who is a better example to set before you than JANE RENNIE who was wedded some months ago and still thinks everything’s absolutely divine? She may seem more interested in her long underwear, but strictly on the level her main hobby now is hubby.

Brenda has no thoughts of getting married herself yet. Well, at just eighteen everything, even time, is on her side, and there is the world to discover and all its excitements to explore. Who wants to get married? (It’s absolutely stinking the way that boy next door dives under his car whenever he sees me, he knows I’d love to help him change his tyre).

For that hap-hap-happy look, how about Jane, our dimpled delight.

Brenda North

In Mod Mood

Girl who belongs to the modern way of life is BRENDA NORTH, although you can see she likes communing with countryside as well as getting into the groove on the dance floor.

Brenda is slim, lively and likes to go, go, go, and if she looks a little dreamy when she’s out-of-doors, well, the girls in the mod mood today are dreamy, aren’t they?

Brenda North

In Mod Tradition

Modern in every outlook, BRENDA NORTH goes for the long underwear that’s all the rage with Mods.