
Copying Site Content

It has been brought to my attention that individuals on Facebook and other blogging sites are copying content directly from this site and presenting it as their own, without giving any credit or providing links back to this site. This behaviour is unacceptable. A considerable amount of effort goes into gathering information, writing in an informative and enjoyable manner, and enhancing scans and pictures. While some of the pictures on this site may be free to use elsewhere, not all of them are. The issue here lies in how they are being used alongside my text.

To those who engage in this behaviour, you know who you are. Copying my content word for word and presenting it as your own work is dishonest. If you want to write a blog, I encourage you to put effort into creating something original and interesting for others to enjoy. It may be easier to cheat, but it shows a lack of integrity.

In most cases, I am happy for others to use content from this site. Many people ask for permission beforehand, and I almost always grant it as long as the content is properly linked back to my site. Proper linking back to this site helps increase its popularity, which ultimately allows me to continue sourcing new and exciting content for everyone to enjoy.

I ask that you not let a few individuals ruin it for the majority. I do not want to resort to watermarking pictures or restricting content to subscription-only areas. I am asking for your help in keeping an eye out for any violations and reporting them to me if you come across any during your browsing.

Thank you for your support and vigilance.

Vintage Fetish