QT - Russell Gay

QT - Concord Publications

I have at last put up a home page for QT, and am gradually making available a full collection of eBooks.

All information on the home page is from my own research, and reflects my opinions on the magazine – it does not claim to be 100% accurate. When looking into the history of some of these books, I am frequently amazed at how little information there is available; what information you do find - not unlike mine – has to be questioned for its accuracy. Most of the information I gather comes both from the books themselves and the thoughts and opinions of other collectors. So, as I frequently state, if you have more information or something to add, then please do contact me.

These eBooks have been scanned at a higher resolution and optimised to reduce their file size. This produces a good combination of quality verses size, and I am very pleased with the finished results. I am not going to wait until the full collection is complete before making them all available, but will add books in batches when complete. I do now have somebody helping with the copying, so hopefully the full collection will be available within a couple of months.