Jane Rennie and Annette French

Endearing Young Charms

When a couple of gay girls set out for a ramble in the country, and when those gay girls negotiate the old brick wall on their way, you can’t help thinking of the days when you were young too and sweet Rosie Bessing-woodhampton skipped o’er the dales with just the same charm as now skip ANNETTE FRENCH and JANE RENNIE

Brick walls and wooden fences have a way of catching at the frills, so there’s no answer to that except to pin those frills back for with frills pinned back a girl is leg-free and all set to jump a five-barred fence (if she’s dumb enough to try!) In case you don’t know, it’s Annette on the left—the one just getting ready to take off for an un-boosted orbit—and Jane on the right. Jane’s the one ready to help the landing be less of a bump than it might.