Sandra McPherson

Natural Hazard

Many games contain hazards, but none contain more natural ones than golf. Ask SANDRA MCPHERSON.

It’s bad enough trying to cope with the rain. If you hang on to one of those enormous golfing umbrellas long enough, you’re liable to take off and finish up dangling from a tree. But every perishing club is a handicap in itself when your swing is largely a matter of hope. Hit and miss, that’s it. And in the end, you’re all tied up but not in respect of the score.

Answer to this one is not to put down more than one ball at a time. With five at your feet, you’ll find out, as Sandra did, that you’re liable to step on at least two.

But, my word, what about those wretched trolleys and all those folding arms and things? They’re designed to give you what for all right, and you can say that twice over.

There’s always a first time for a contraption like this to poke you in the eye. Sandra’s answer to this is to don her weatherproof and take on all comers, including the wind, the rain and erratic drivers who forget to shout “Fore!”