Susan Douglas

The Impact Had A Lasting Effect

When we first introduced SUSAN DOUGLAS to our readers the impact had a kind of ringing sound, loud and clanging in many cases.

The effect on some was lasting. There has never been any other girl quite like Susan to them, her pin-up appeal remaining constant and even devastating. Fellers have shot themselves with water pistols on account of their love being so faithful but, alas, so unreciprocated.

Susan, now a lovely Kentish housewife, has been understanding but firm. "I'm always absolutely enchanted by your devotion," she says to her fans, "but I'm sure you realise I must get home to peel the potatoes and pick up some rice crispies on the way. Honestly. I would adore living on a desert island with any of you, but how could I get to my hairdresser twice a week without it being ruinously expensive?"

For a woman, especially a lovely one. that's clear, clinical logic.