Marion McGregor

Honey Blonde

Gorgeous is the colour of MARION McGREGOR'S hair, like golden honey—and the eyes, of course, must be a beautiful dark blue. Marion, like so many of our Scottish models, is beautiful and bonny. She works in an office, providing the conventional coldness of commerce with a brightness infectious enough to make the working week seem a whole lot shorter. Marion, of course, loves dancing, and thinks men are wonderful. Well, Professor Higgins says in the musical, “on the whole we are a marvellous sex”—or words to that effect. (Bighead).

This was Marion’s first time before the camera, and she models modern lingerie with a smile as bright as her personality. Her vitalistics amount to 36"-23"-37".

Vitalistics like those add up to a cute figure and if the frequent wolf whistle echoes round the office when the travellers come in, they really are no more than you’d expect, are they not? Marion, one of our New Year discoveries, will be seen again—we hope.