Jane Paul

The Midi for Jane

Things haven't been going quite as exhilaratingly for JANE PAUL as she’d have liked over the last few years.

The fact is, Jane is a soccer fan and a supporter of Glasgow Rangers. And the way that other Glasgow team, Celtic, has been taking all the honours that were once almost exclusively marked up to Rangers has rendered life quite intolerable for Jane. It's made all the more fanatical Rangers supporters feel that life has been hardly worth living.


There are always the compensatory factors associated with fashion to take a girl’s mind off the tribulations of soccer fans. And Jane, a Glasgow secretary, is mad about clothes. She’s bought herself a midi. And she’s gone off tights and gone back to stockings.

Tights are a must with a mini. They're not with a midi.

That's going to please an awful lot of men.

"Watch it," said Jane, "the men in Scotland aren't as awful as that."