Soulange Ferrier

French Comfort

Soulange is French and that's a comfort for anyone who's going to France and isn't sure whether French dollies are as enchanting as they say, or whether it's all talk.

When you get to Paris turn south and keep going. When you arrive at St. Tropez don't be put off by the price of a lobster, because what's money when there's a chance of seeing Soulange sunning herself on the beach?

She likes to go to the far end of the beach where there's a reserved section for dedicated nature lovers, or simply for those who like to get tanned all over. If you spot Soulange there give her a wave. If a uniformed nature-loving beach attendant dressed in a peaked cap stands in the way of your further progress, then take our tip—go quietly away and come back as a nature lover yourself.

But watch the sun or you'll get burned up.