Patricia Garland (Susan Douglas)
/Elegance and Efficiency
Elegance and Efficiency
Combining these virtues is lovely PATRICIA GARLAND, secretary in the City of London.
Pat has just become interested in modelling and wants eventually to do TV commercials. We can think of no one more elegantly equipped for the job of convincing us we're not using the right shampoo to stop our hair falling out. Or enticing us to wash in a new kind of detergent.
Frankly, we aren't too bothered about never being alone with a certain brand, but what chance is there of being alone with Pat to persuade her we know just which box of chocolates she likes best? Isn't she a honey?
Watch out for TV advertisers being crafty enough to size up Pat as a hundred per cent prospect for selling you on every line that passes over your screens. How could you resist her without keeping your eyes shut-and with Pat in view how could you keep your eyes shut?
Beautiful Britons No 72 - October 1961
Nicole Austin
/Nicole Austin - Mustang No 8 - 1969
Mustang No 8 - 1969
Laurie Sands (Bobby Shaw)
/Laurie Sands - ToCo Back Covers
Span No 234 -February 1974
Dawn Williams
/Up Came The Dawn
Nothing very much was happening down where the teddy bears occasionally have a picnic, except that the odd squirrel was cracking a nut.
Then up came the Dawn.
It must have been very early.
Well, it wasn't. It was lunchtime. And it happened to be DAWN WILLIAMS who came up. Looking very vital she was too. She's a London secretary and all secretaries are ever so vital. And very necessary.
Where would we be without them? Ah, if ever there was a good question, that's it. We knew a man who had an absolutely indispensable secretary, only she upset him one day by bringing him a broken biscuit with his tea. So, he sacked her. The whole place fell to pieces after she'd gone.
Can't imagine any boss being nutty enough to sack Dawn. Even if she had an off day with her shorthand, no man would want to get rid of a secretary who looks as dishy as Dawn. She's five feet five and measures 36"-23"-36".
And ever so vital.
Smashing, in fact.
Beautiful Britons No 168 - November 1969
Spick and Span 2000
Susan Smith
/Sweet Sue
She works as a switchboard girl for a London firm. She has lovely eyes and a nice string of beads. She has a wiggly walk and gets whistled at. She's sweet. Her name is SUSAN SMITH and she lives in Hounslow.
Spick No 120 - November 1963
Jill Tasman
/Jill Tasman - Mustang By Request No 1 - 1967
Mustang By Request No 1 - 1967
Liz McEwen and Debora Stewart
Great friends are blonde LIZ McEWEN and brunette DEBORA STEWART" so when it came to fixing up a game of badminton in the garden it was only natural for them to go through with it in the friendliest way possible.
It's all a laugh to Liz and Debbie. It might have been a matter of grim, purposeful intent to two other girls whose only thought would have been to get on with the game and slaughter each other.
But Liz and Debbie play the game for the giggles and don't even bother to keep the score. Why don't they bother to keep the score?
“We can’t count," said Debbie.
Beautiful Britons No 143 - October 1967
Margaret Yeadon
/Haircut, Sir?
If it looks like MARGARET YEADON is fond of the bottle, it's quite misleading. They were studio bottles. Margaret was just posing for the photographer and as he's a bottle man he thought what a background and a foreground, just the flaming ticket, darling.
Margaret is twenty-two, she lives in Leeds, and she has her own men's hairdressing salon. She likes looking after men's styles, and the styles being so way out these days, Margaret can exercise ingenuity, skill and inventiveness. Actually, a haircut isn't on. If you have one you're dead old-fashioned. You have it styled.
And when Margaret isn't styling heads of handsome masculine hair, she's lapping up the excitement at Hot Rod Car meetings.
Span No 212 - April 1972
Spick and Span 2000
Bridget Cole
/Bridget Cole - ToCo Back Cover
Span No 199 - March 1971
Annette French
Just like a musical symphony ANNETTE FRENCH Scottish lass who might also be described as a tuneful dreamboat, because every time we see her, we want to break into beautiful music.
Annette has the perfect shape and the perfect Cupid's bow, and in days when romance rather than gimmicks inspired the muse, poets and musicians would have combined to praise such a dreamboat.
Nowadays, of course such a symphonic shape as Annette's inspires the doubletake and the long whistle, but who writes poetry except our bard?
Spick No 120 - November 1963
Mrs Smith
/Mrs Smith
Linda Groom
/Oh, My Hat!
When a straw hat is not a hat is when it's a cute chapeau perched on the curly head of a beautiful LINDA GROOM, thus making this Bournemouth belle not just a mere lovely lady but an absolute eye-catcher.
Come now, where else have you seen a straw hat worn with such eye-appeal and, where else have you seen a tree put in the shade by such long-legged loveliness?
As for the pyjama jacket, this looks even better on Linda than any man, and if you know any outdoor vista which has more appeal than this one, you must have a beautiful view from where you live.
Linda, a receptionist, is one of the nicest girls we know, and if there's one thing that would make us celebrate and take two extra noggins for supper, it would be a transfer to Bournemouth!
Spick No 120 - November 1963