Nicola Taylor


There are times when we like to be in the garden. And if we had a garden next to the garden of NICOLA TAYLOR we'd be absolute fanatics about flowers and vegetables.

Nicola has two hobbies. One is listening to pop records; the other is gardening. She looks dreamy when she's listening to the records and if we had to get lost on a desert island with a record-player we’d choose Nicola to play it for us.

But in the garden, when she's digging up weeds, Nicola looks the epitome of outdoor charm. Not everyone looks like that in a herbaceous border, especially the man next door to us. He looks like a digger of canals and you can’t even talk to him without getting an unwanted clod of earth in your eye.

We'll have to move.

Beautiful Britons No 143 - October 1967

Judy Rodger


GIRL who's always sure of a warm welcome from us and our readers is JUDY RODGER. Judy's the model with all the know-how on looking good, and there's no know-how we'd rather have than that, unless it's the know-how on the presence of oil in virgin ground going for a nickel an acre.

Number one asset shapely legs.

Judy's to be found at nearly all the major exhibitions, demonstrating anything from a potato-peeler to the very latest in streamlined cars.

Nice enough, but what chance does a potato-peeler stand against a demonstrator as cute as Judy?

Span Extra No 10 - Summer 1960

Nicky Bradley

Queen Of The Med

Nineteen years old NICKY BRADLEY has not only been elected Miss Brighton for two successive years.

She has also created quite a furore on Spain's Costa Brava, where she won the title "Queen of The Mediterranean Festival." What does that mean? It means that in that part of the Mediterranean they consider Nicky, superlative fit for a bikini.

Spick No 168 - November 1967

Janet Ross

Front Line Frills

It's frills to the fore with JANET ROSS, London showgirl seen in the front line of high-stepping chorines. If you can believe it Janet spent her earlier years training to be a nurse but gave it up when she found exams keeping her awake at night!

Janet has a flat in South London where she cosily tucks herself up to sleep long and late it's the late hours of show biz which keep her awake at nights now.

Janet is 5' 9" with big eyes and long legs. Amid those frills we think she looks even more delightful as a model than she does as a showgirl.

Spick No 110 - January 1963

Susan Douglas

The Bees and the Bird

There was a lot of humming going on. The bees were out and after the honey. There was a nice svelte bird around. SUSAN DOUGLAS. So, there were the bees and the bird and the honey. Along came a bloke on a bike, he liked honey and loved birds.

"I'll come and join you," he said, "I need somewhere to prop my bike."

Well, he wasn't a morose type, he was someone to talk to and Susan likes a chat. So, they had a nice chat and the bees had a good hum and that's how to make the world go round instead of blowing it up.