Tina Ryatt

Getting Down to It

Gorgeous girl with the sweeper is beauty queen TINA RYATT.

 Cute in her waisted petticoat, Tina isn’t just an ornament around the house she’ll take a hand with the chores any­time. Here on the right, for instance, she’s really getting down to it al­though we can’t think why she’s looking so surprised unless she can hear the patter of hobnailed feet up the chimney.

 We were wrong there. Tina was merely losing her balance. Well, that’s prefer­able to losing your head, as Charles I found out, for you can always do some­thing about a bruise. But once you’ve lost your head, what’ve you got left?

Tina is a Flintshire girl, with statistics of 36-23-36, is eighteen and has night black hair and big brown eyes.

June Palmer

More, Please!

In response to requests from fans smitten by the engaging fascination of June in a sweater, we have devoted this particular series to a white sweater trimmed with dark blue. June wears it with the confidence of a beautiful girl who knows she can do it shapely justice. There is, we feel, just enough sweater and just enough June.

No current model is more popular than lovely JUNE PALMER, and not only on account of her beautiful brown eyes!

Elaine Taylor


Natural golden blonde is ELAINE TAYLOR and you remember that story about the three bears, of course? You know, how Goldilocks went and ate up their porridge?

Elaine doesn’t eat porridge and she doesn’t actually know any bears— not by name, anyway— but if they ever made a film about it, she’d walk the audition.

Some berk is bound to hop in here with the comment that Goldilocks was only a little girl.

In which case, he’d be a completely hopeless berk if he couldn’t see a grown-up Goldilocks would be an absolute whizz.

Elaine lives in Cardiff, and when the Welsh are independent perhaps they’ll put Elaine on their standards instead of the dragon. Then we’d all fly a Welsh standard.

Sonia and Jill

Fashionable Twosome

As far as blonde SONIA and brunette JILL are concerned, what's fashionable is what’s warm. Until the summer comes they prefer longs to shorts!

Acting as lady's maid. Jill dresses Sonia's hair. We can’t decide whether the short skirt is superfluous or the longs too long. Can you?

A preview of summer fashions in lingerie for these two lovelies reveals a somewhat slinkier look. This, we consider, is glamour all the way!

Sylvia Martin

Modern Jazzer

Very accomplished dancer to modern jazz is SYLVIA MARTIN of North London, and we can't say fairer than that without getting caught up in an extravaganza of completely dizzy jazz.

Sylvia has been around, dancing with a troupe in most of the European capitals. In Rome she met a fanatical Italian count. Well, he called himself a count and Sylvia called him fanatical. He followed her about and she could hardly go anywhere without Fatimo popping up in his dark glasses. He begged for her hand, he was handsome, engaging and rakishly suave.

” Marry me,” he kept saying.

"Look, stop following me about,” said Sylvia, "I'm not suited to be the wife of a count, I want to marry a footballer."

"So? I confess, then,” he said, "I am not a count, I am Guiseppe Fatimo and I play centre-back for the Italian grocers' team. Now will you marry me I”

"I can’t,” said Sylvia,” I’m madly in love with an English goalkeeper. Now will you go or do I have to push you off this sun roof!”

” You must push me off, my beautiful one,” he said.

Well, Sylvia thought that really was the best thing to do, so she did, and Guiseppe Fatimo didn't half feel it. When he woke up he had amnesia. He couldn't remember Sylvia but the nurse was so enchanting that he began to woo her very happily.

It was a nice ending, really, especially as the sun roof was only a few feet above the ground.

Sandra McPherson


Having returned home to Scotland from the sunny shores of the Mediterranean, cute SANDRA McPHERSON decided the first thing to do was to take an inventory of the pantry. Reluctant to completely divorce herself from the atmosphere of the Med, she put on her little short sun-skirt. The nylons are merely in acknowledgment of the somewhat colder breezes of Scotland, and they don’t completely black out her sun-tan. This was a beautiful golden brown and Sandra certainly does justice to that kind of tan.

Sandra’s main impression of Italy was the Italians—the way those Latin men sneak up and pinch a girl had to be felt to be believed.

It’s a fact, of course, that lots of girls who go to Italy return tanned from the sunshine and tender from the pinching. Sandra, we’re pleased to say, remains true to Scotland and the Scots.