Mystery Model
/Nursey Nurse
Two interesting prints of what looks like nurse dress-up fun. I would guess they are from the 1960s, but I have no information on them.
Two interesting prints of what looks like nurse dress-up fun. I would guess they are from the 1960s, but I have no information on them.
Stephanie, it says, works in TV—who knows. What I do know is that she is a pretty girl who I am sure would have been very popular in front of the camera or behind the scenes. Scanned pictures from the 1970s.
Works At The launderette
Liza works at the laundrette; that's what it says on the back of the print. Do you think those were her work clothes? Just imagine Liza stretching, bending, and giving little glimpses of her stocking tops—fantastic, that's what I say.
Two nice pictures of the same girl, one with stockings and one without. Both are very sexy, but which do you prefer?
Slightly candid shot of a girl named Julia who is relaxing with a magazine. Scan from a 1970s print.
I think Undine is an unusual name, so I looked it up. Originating in Latin, Undine is a girl's name meaning "little wave" or "of the waves." It derives from the Latin word unda, meaning "wave," and is the name attributed to mythological water spirits. More commonly known as undines, these water nymphs appear across modern-day literature. Well, I certainly think this Undine looks like a little nymph posing for us with a toy gun in her black stockings.
Scan from a 1970s print.
Lynn Emery is a pretty, dark-haired girl giving us a glimpse of what she has under her skirt. These photos are from the 1970s they have just her name on the back.
"Hilary" is all that is written on the back of this picture. It's a nice picture of a very freckly young woman sitting against a dirty wall, possibly the back wall of a squash court, giving us a glimpse of her stocking tops. I can date this picture to the mid-1970s.
Yesterday, I was digging through a large box of mixed prints that I have acquired over the years, often in small lots as part of other collections. For the most part, I have no idea of their original origins. These prints are mostly originals from the 1960s and '70s. Sadly, most can't be shown on this site, but there are still quite a few that I can display. Therefore, I've decided to spend a couple of months showcasing some of them on the blog.
The others, I may show on the Brazen blog, which I am determined to update with more regular posts. All prints are up for sale and will gradually be made available under the relevant category on the BrazenBooks site.
To kick us off, here's a nice original small print from the 1960s that would have been sold as part of a small set. All the others I have featuring this girl are slightly more revealing.
What I would like to say is that most of these are of unnamed models. If you recognise anybody and can add a name, please add it to the comments or email me via the contact page.
What a fantastic bra! Wouldn't you just love to unclick it to reveal the delights it contains? Remember those days. Scan from a print.
Nice picture of Nicola Taylor dressed in an interesting selection of mismatched clothes: white boots, white lacy stockings, a shiny metallic-looking bra, and a fur-collared anorak. It's good for me, though. Scanned from an original print.
I have recently put up for sale a small selection of prints on the Brazen site that originated from Maple Leaf Studios in Folkestone. These prints have attracted quite a bit of attention, with a few people contacting me to fill in some gaps with extra information. I like these pictures, and I am sure in there time they must have been quite popular.
What I Know or Don’t Know
I am told that Linda was the big star of Maple Leaf Studios, and I am also reliably informed that she was the photographer’s wife or partner. It must have been nice to keep it in-house that way. I do have other very similar-looking prints that could have possibly been produced and sold by Maple Leaf Studios. It would be helpful to have some clarification on this, especially if you ever bought prints from Maple Leaf Studios.
I have scanned a very poor photocopy of the information that would have been sent out if you responded to their advertisements, which I am told used to appear in the back pages of Fiesta and Escort. I have extracted the text from that sheet to make it more readable; it's hard to believe that they actually sent out such poor copies to potential customers.
I have scanned what I have and will be making some of them available as improved 5” x 7” reprints on the Brazen site if you'd like to indulge in a bit of nostalgia. I am keen to acquire more of these prints and am willing to pay well for them. Alternatively, I'd be happy to arrange exchange reimbursement if that would work better for you. Contact Me
More Information
As always, if you have any more information on Maple Leaf Studios or the models, please take the time to comment below or contact me directly so that I can keep things updated.
Check out the chicken on top of the radiogram, and of course, those absolutely gorgeous legs clad in seamed black nylon stockings. Great picture. Scan from an original print.
Two interesting pictures of Vanda, in which she appears to have pulled her underskirt up to her neck and over her arms to conceal her obviously braless top.
From an original print.
To me, Linda always looks like she’s up for a bit of fun, and these two pictures are no exception. She has that naughty 'come and get it' glint in her eyes. Linda was a popular model during the 1970s, appearing in all kinds of magazines in addition to her appearances for ToCo.
From an original print.