Maureen – Private Collection.

At Home with Maureen

More pictures of Maureen relaxing against a chair. Wouldn't we all like to be at home, relaxing with Maureen? There are lots more to come if you would like to see them!

Maureen – Private Collection.

At Home with Maureen

I have many negative sleeves marked as "Maureen," and in some of the pictures, she appears to be wearing a wedding ring. Unfortunately, that is all the information I have. The shots, although occasionally poorly cropped, are very much in the style of ToCo. I have taken the time to improve them, and the results are pleasing. If you would like to see more of Maureen, please show your appreciation by liking or commenting.

Angela - Private Collection

Cortina Girl - Angela

Angela, that's all I know about her. Here are four nice pictures of her messing about in and on a rather beaten-up Ford Cortina estate. More pictures of Angela and her Cortina will be available next month.

Private Collection


Pictures taken from a private collection of negatives.

Private Collection

Private Collection

I consider myself incredibly fortunate to have been granted access to a private collection of negatives and prints dating back to the late 1970s and onwards into the 80s. These photographs emanate the essence and style typically associated with ToCo's magazine prints from the 60s and 70s.

What makes this collection particularly intriguing is the fact that I think many of these images have never been seen before. They showcase amateur models, with only their first names mentioned. While the quality of these photographs may vary, I thought it would be refreshing to showcase some of the better ones here on this blog.

If you happen to recognize a familiar face, then please do contact me.