Brigitte Jelinek

Invite Us Over

We have our moments when it's not all light and joy, you know. We too have to clean the car and fill up cracks in the ceiling. We too are sitting on the bomb. Ah, poor old people of the seventies, wondering if they'll live to be ninety.

At such moments, we think about the scintillating conversational gambits of BRIGITTE JELINEK, who has the most entertaining way of starting a really cracking argument about the lost tribes of Asia. We never knew any of them ever got lost.

Anyway, in moments of gloom Brigitte couldn't do more for us than invite us over so that we could become intensely involved in a discussion on who actually shot the arrow which laid poor old Harold low at Hastings.

There's nothing so enlivening as a fluent chat with someone as delightful as Miss Jelinek.

Sylvia Martin

Where’s The Moulin Rouge

Purely a rhetorical question. Everyone knows it’s in Paris. SYLVIA MARTIN is just illustrating what an absolute must she is for the front line of the Moulin Rouge Can-Can, though Sylvia’s undeviating ambition is for drama and she burns to be histrionic rather than eye-catching. She prefers Pinter to panto.

Laura St.John

Three-Way Chat

Housewife LAURA ST. JOHN was on the phone ordering some groceries when some burk managed to cross the line and Laura found herself talking to the grocer and the burk at the same time.

The burk was trying to sell insurance and Laura ended up with a pound of bacon and a dozen eggs covered against dying of heart failure while in the frying-pan.

The premium was a tin of mustard a month.

Judy Ingram


Well, if you have the same talent for swimming and water skiing as JUDY INGRAM, it could be said that you've got aquability too. Judy on water skis, in fact, is a breath-taking eye-opener as well as being dark, tall and beautiful.

Cathy McEwan (Jane Paul)

A Little Nostalgia

This is just for those who sigh for the early sixties, when the mini hadn't yet made us realise that brevity is the soul of haute couture.

For the sake of a little nostalgia here is CATHY McEWAN modelling those old-fashioned fashions, petticoats and all.

She got them caught up in the door later. That made for more nostalgia. Oh well, anything for a laugh and a pretty picture.

Jan Sims

Bonny Legs?

Don't bother to answer that question. We’ll take it as read. It’s obviously a foregone conclusion that JAN SIMS has the bonniest legs and the brightest smile.

Jan’s a tall—5' 9"—and shapely—35"-25"-37"— brunette from Glasgow. If you think she’s a professional model, you’re wrong. She’s an ‘Hello-girl’, and modelling is just a hobby. (Is that so? Then what’s she doing with legs like these?)

Preferably, of course, we’d like to have her at this end, but we'd probably have to fight an awful lot of Scots to get her over the border. They’re all mad about this kind of number themselves.

Joanne Martin

How To Be Vitally Interesting

It's fun being married. JOANNE MARTIN says you needn't take too much notice of those odd people who tell you it's kaput, she says they don't know what it's all about, they're too busy going in and out of foggy hallucinations.

To be vitally interesting to your husband, says Joanne, you need first of all to look lovely to come home to, so that when he comes into the kitchen to see what's cooking he can't help thinking he'd like to eat you yourself.

Joanne, with her long, honey-blonde hair and her undeniable curves, is indeed a dish. She makes marriage lots and lots of fun, and sometimes in the evenings the television isn't an absolute social necessity at all.

Remember, says Joanne, that when hubby says, "Let's switch this rubbish off and play poker," you've proved you know how to be vitally interesting.

Then what?

"Then you need good cards, "says Joanne, "or you're in for a yell of a time "


Decorative Architect

Architecture as a profession is not closed to the fair sex, and if you thought it was its time our ANGELA gave you reason to re-orientate your thinking. Our Angela knows a blue-print when she sees one.

Angela can not only apply herself practically to architecture, she can also get down to the job of blowing up the fire as gracefully as any full-time housewife, and certainly looks a lot better at it than we do.

Sadie Milligan

Dressed For The Part

Getting down — or should it be getting up? — to a spot of do-it-yourself decorating is bright and bonny SADIE MILLIGAN. And Sadie believes in the outfit being suitable to the occasion.

That’s why for stripping the walls to the bare foundations Sadie strips to the bare necessities. But why is it that the phone always rings at the most inconvenient moment!

That was the landlord on the line. He wanted to know how the decorating was progressing. Sadie told him it was progressing in a series of stripes and polka dots. That left him feeling bewitched, bewildered—and rather worried!

Sadie’s a 19 year old Scot with vitalistics of 34"-24"-36".

Sandra Morrell

It Used To Be Boots and Saddles

In the days when the West was won, it used to be boots and saddles and the sound of the bugles as the U.S. Cavalry came charging up to save the pioneers from being skewered to their waggon wheels by flaming arrows of fire or something.

That's all gone now. The pioneers have all struck oil and the Red Indians are doing their own thing, which is watching Geronimo on the telly.

Today for boots and saddles you can read boots and minis.

SANDRA MORRELL, winner of beauty contests, is all for boots and minis.

We're all for Sandra, she can look scintillating just lounging about.

Sally Forbes

Domestic Problem

Confronted with a carpet that badly needed cleaning, the problem for sweet SALLY FORBES was in a sweeper that suddenly went kaput.

Sally being a shorthand-typist was not too well acquainted with the Ins and outs of what makes a carpet - sweeper tick, so if the problem had been one that really worried her, what was she laughing about? It’s ticklish, said Sally, and that's a fact. What’s ticklish? Not the problem, said Sally, but the brush —you try shaving with it and see for yourself.

Picture of Sally girl who has eventually realised that a dud carpet - sweeper is no laughing matter, after all. She’s got company coming for tea.

Cathy Meadows

Never Mind Who Wears the Trousers

There's a lot of it about. A lot of talk about the full emancipation of women and how it's their turn to wear the trousers for the next ten thousand years.

But never mind who wears the trousers, the fact is CATHY MEADOWS wears a lovely pair of boots. She could kick a lot of fellers around in these but wouldn't dream of it. She's deliciously feminine, as a matter of fact, and doesn't think trousers and braces would suit her.

Cathy is a Yorkshire girl, and has just left college to work in an office and study her prospects. In her spare time, she's taking a modelling course. There's always room for one more model as good-looking as Cathy.

Maria Howell

Model Maria

Dark and vivacious MARIA HOWELL is a model with a mission. To make enough money to retire to sunny Spain.

Maria knows all about Spain. Part-Spanish herself, she’s worked both in Barcelona and Madrid.

Now she’s back in England, working hard, saving hard, and dreaming of the day when she’ll return to the land of oranges and ole! (And what about the matadors?)

Linda Crosby

Take a Letter

THE day-to-day routine of pretty LINDA CROSBY consists of taking dictation from her boss, for Linda is a shorthand-typist. She is also photogenic enough to be a glamour girl, but for the moment is quite happy working at the office and taking life as she finds it.

Linda is eighteen, is a Lancashire girl and with statistics of 36-23-36 looks naturally good in a sweater. At 5' 7” tall she admires men who are six-footers, and as far as types are concerned it’s Latin for preference.

Probably her Latin preference stems from the fact that Linda has worked in Spain, and there is nothing quite like the courtesy those matadors out there extend to English girls. It makes a girl feel real good.

So, any time you should meet Linda yourself remember you'll go down as quite a type yourself if you can manage a little Castilian courtesy. You won’t have to fight a bull. Mainly, it's a few old world bows and a kiss or two on the hand. Cor!

Valerie Hooton

Hubbies Hobby

Some husbands go off to football matches on Saturday afternoons, but Val's husband stays home to photo-graph her. What a way to make Saturday afternoons full of light and joy. Better than all that mud flying about and somebody bashing you over the head on the way out.

Some husbands have the oddest hobbies, like stripping wallpaper or collecting whizzbangs. (Whizzbangs are fiery blondes whom they hide in the garden shed hoping their wives won't notice).

Well, now, isn't it lovely that VALERIE HOOTON has a husband with the most ravishing hobby? His hobby is Valerie. What a smashing feller. What a hubby, what a hobby.

Val's ambitions, apart from maintaining her position as hubby's hobby, are to travel extensively and to learn to ski. Imagine all that lovely snow and sun, and Val as well.

Val has a hobby of her own. Frank Sinatra. Only on records, of course. And she likes eating out. That's not a hobby, however, that's a way of life.

Housewives have stopped being mere wielders of brooms. Now they're sexy and glamorous, like Val. Before she was married Val used to be a secretary. Now she's a housewife, a mother and an absolute doll. Naturally, you'd all like to have a hobby just like Val, but you need to be tall, dark and handsome, of course.