Rubber News and Associated Publications

Rubber News - Arkison Ltd

I have acquired what I believe to be a complete set of Rubber News, Black Panther and 2 other titles from the same publisher - Head Girl and Mermaid in Rubber. They were all home printed publications, released fortnightly on the 1st and 15th of each month, and were available on subscription-only during 1966. Content is quite mixed, consisting of readers’ letters and drawings, general rubber advice and book reviews. Each book also describes all the items that the publishers manufactured and offered for sale. Not just clothing, but all kinds of stuff that you might require for a fun night in, these items are described in some detail.

Photographs were also offered for sale in sets that were described, again, in detail. Oddly interesting to read with your imagination working overtime!

All the books I have are complete and in nice condition. I feel reluctant to sell these individually and feel they ought to go to someone as a collection, to be cherished as a complete set. I have tried to research them, but with no real luck. I have never seen another copy in all my travels and rummagings through people’s weird and wonderful collections.

They are for sale as a complete lot - 25 books in total. If you are interested, then please contact me and we can take it from there.

What makes me think that I have a complete set is this page, which was added to Volume 1 No 22. What you are about to read below was an all-to-frequent event in the 1960’s, when publications like this were considered to be subverting the general public. A great deal of material was destroyed in this way in the UK and the USA. We are now frequently only left with what had already slipped that net, making publications like Rubber News rare and very collectable. I am not sure what happened after this volume, did Rubber News resurrect itself later under a different name? If you know more, then it would be great to hear from you, so please take the time to contact me.

More pictures are available on BrazenBooks



As you will doubtless have gathered from various delays in our mailings, we have fallen into some confusion. The time has now come for me to be frank with you, letting you know what the problem is and telling you of my plans to overcome the present problem and prevent it arising in the future.

Following on the scurrilous attack in The People, in which the nature of our business was distorted beyond recognition, we had a visit from the CID, armed with a "search and seize warrant", under which they took the whole of our stocks of books, photos and equipment for inspection under suspicion that they were obscene.

They did not in any way interfere with our rubber garment business, nor with the documentation relating to it. This is intact and operating fully.

Also, they did not express any interest in our mailing list. No-one, and I repeat NO-ONE is involved in any problems apart from myself. If there are any problems, I have accepted full responsibility, exonerating all my staff on the grounds that they were merely carrying out my instructions for their wages and were not the authors or promoters of anything that has been done.

All RUBBER NEWS correspondence has been consistently destroyed. There is NOTHING for any of you to worry about in this connection. All my authors and artists have also been protected, as well as my models, photographers and the rest.

At this time, I do not know what the outcome may be. It is possible that I shall be prosecuted, although I am advised that this is not very likely because of course the resulting publicity would do more for me than years of patient effort. (As a result of the article in The People I have received over 100 interested enquiries).

Anyway, this is my worry and I do not ask you to share it.

Black Panther

Black Panther runs to 74 pages - the last three or four have popped off their staples in this issue.

Please read below to get some idea of its content. The copy I have has all of its 5 prints still stuck in position. (Very Nice)


The first print of BLACK PANTHER is now SOLD OUT. We are reprinting as fast as we can and shall not keep anyone waiting long for a copy. The price of this 74-page Guide to Rubber and leather is just £1 to SUBSCRIBERS to RUBBER NEWS. To non-Subscribers, the price is strictly £2.

BLACK PANTHER is a complete Catalogue to everything we make, print, publish and sell _ and a lot more besides.

It is crammed with Book Reviews, Photo Reviews, descriptions of garments in rubber and leather, of restrictive equipment in leather and metal and of our whole range of Hoods, Masks and Gags. In addition to numerous drawings, this book is illustrated by 5 glossy photos, each 6" x 4", three from our BONDPIX range, and two Rubber Glamour shots.

Garter Girls

Garter Girls, Dolls and Dolls and Gorgeous Gals.

New Stock - Four big heavy magazines from the USA all 200 plus pages.

Cine Films

Cine Films – BrazenBooks

Nice selection of films listed on BrazenBooks.

All in excellent condition - some rare and hard to find productions, well worth a look. All very adult - so you have been warned!

Beauty Parade

New Stock - Beauty Parade

2 copies of Beauty Parade. Not easy to come by. Condition is mixed so pay attention to notes. They are though both clean and not marked. Very collectable and great for reference.

Mixed Selection

UK - Large Format A4 Size Books

Selection of what I think of as low rent Playboy imitators. All nice books with some really nice pictures in. Well worth a look.

Mixed Selection

UK - Large Format A4 Size Books.

New Stock - 4 interesting and different titles. Tops and Bottoms is a lovely book and am tempted to keep it myself. I have added some extra details and pictures with each title to give you a better idea of their contents.

Relax and Mustang

New Stock From Gold Star and Gadoline.

4 Relax Added No ‘s Vol 2 No 10, No 12, 13, and 14. 2 Mustang No’s 5 and 6. All good condition books.

Mixed French Magazines

Mixed French Magazines - New Stock

7 French Titles added. Paris Broadway No 42. Selections Strip Tease No’s 3, 4 and 6. Evocations No 37. Studio No 66. Lire A Deux No 58. French magazines are always popular and priced to sell.

Minuit Cinq

Minuit Cinq - New Stock

4 Books added of this very popular french magazine. Condition always seems to be a bit rough due to the poor quality paper that was used. Please check any notes carefully. The pictures though are certainly not rough in anyway at all. No’s 2, 6, 8 and 11.

Art Advertiser and Studio News

Art Advertiser and Studio News - New Stock

9 Copies added - Again not that popular. I just don’t think there are that many collectors out there. Priced to sell.

Connoisseurs Choice

Connoisseurs Choice - New Stock

4 Copies of Connoisseurs Choice - I always think these books are not as popular as they should be. I just don’t think there are that many collectors for them. Prices are low, a couple of early numbers which you don’t see that often.