Spick and Span 2000 Gold

Spick and Span 2000 Gold eBooks

Three more eBooks have been added to the golden years collection of ladies from Spick and Span 2000. Why not add them to your collections?

Spick and Span 2000

Spick and Span 2000

Six more books from Spick and Span 2000 to add to your collection.

Spick and Span 2000 - Extra

Spick and Span 2000 - Extra

Another 3 five model bumper editions uploaded, each with 60 all-colour pictures. See them on the Extras Page.

TROJAN - American Art Agency

TROJAN - (1960s) New eBooks

Three more magazines have joined my 60s collection from the USA. Trojan from the American Art Agency are high-quality books consisting of approximately 80 pages of model sets, articles, and fiction. Just imagine receiving these gems through your letterbox four times a year or strolling down to the local shop to grab one off the shelf. Regrettably, I only possess a few copies, but I have digitised them to enjoy once again.

SNAP - American Art Agency

SNAP - (1960s) New eBooks

Two more great books from my collection of 1960s USA magazines. Digitised for us all to enjoy for a little longer. Quality magazines with good photography, interesting articles, and a few stories.

EVE - Sampson Publishing

EVE - (1963) New eBooks

These magazines are really nice and thoughtfully put together, with great photography and articles. The best part is that all the models are named. I like them a lot, but sadly, these are the only two that I have. I would buy more if I could find them. Enjoy these as digital copies.

Spick and Span 2000

Spick and Span 2000

Six more books to add to your collection: a great set from the very popular Lea, and a requested set for Roxie.

Spick and Span 2000 Gold

Spick and Span 2000 Gold - eBooks

Three more golds to add to your collection.

Spick and Span 2000

Spick and Span 2000

Six more books to add to your collection, including another set of pictures from the ever-popular Chrissie and Emma.

Spick and Span 2000 - Extra

Spick and Span 2000 - Extra

Another 3 five model bumper editions uploaded, each with 60 all-colour pictures. See them on the Specials Page.